The Clearing, December 29, 2020
12 x 12 feet, White Sands, New Mexico
The Clearing, a ritual was created to emanate a collective, vibrational universal healing through clearing, releasing, and grounding the emotional wounds and trauma of 2020. In ancient Navajo traditions, sand was sprinkled on the ground for ceremonial purposes to heal the sick and become a place :where the gods come and go" in the Navajo language. I felt this to be one of the closest ways I could as gently as possible give to others and the earth with no impact or waste, my compassion and care, while demonstrating in action a process of reflection and connection before letting the wind take it away. In releasing, there is a process of accepting the feeling of emptiness, the light. Following the creation, I walked into the center of the mandala to begin and conclude the ritual by sitting within the center and spoke the Clearing Prayer. My ongoing studies and practice with Lama Losang, of the Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Center, Philadelphia PA also took part in the symbology of this mandala.
Inner world, Outer world, 2020
Photo, video, still with digital rendering
Air bubble, 2013
Sugar, 40ft Floyd Bennet Field, New York
Created with sugar to mimic the existing air field lines while expanding and yet enclosing the endless field for a limited-time span before melting away.
The trail end, 2011
To the see the full video >> Cape May Gateway